How I prepare for beachtennis 2024🎾
I try to look back on the past season and pick a few subjects that I want to improve this year. As lots of players I'm not able to play beachtennis fulltime. So this year for instance I limited it to two subjects to improve and really work on.
I try to align every session on the sand with the few subjects mentioned above.
In the gym I focus on functional movements and building a foundation for the rest of the year. Increasing explosive movements along the way.
Also I tend to 'imitate' the load of tournaments, to know your body is ready for more matches and long days of playing.
Although lots of ITF tournaments are not officially posted untill a few weeks prior to commencing, I try to get an idea of when and where tournaments will take place by asking around a lot.
This way I don't have to think about 🎾 all the time which creates more space in my head to be present in the moment.
I've noticed that I really need a lot of good quality sleep to function optimally (8+ hours a night). Almost everyday I try to make sure I hit the 9 hours, so I can wake up fully energised.
Balance is very improtant for me. For instance I try to eat a balanced and healthy diet to fuel my body with the nutrients it needs. For me this means focusing on my calorie, protein and vitamin intake.
But also balance in my daily and social life. It's easy to lose yourself in only beachtennis and work, but I know that if I do I'll be tired and done by the end of the month.
Getting enough rest to recover both physically and mentally is a cliche, but it really is important.
Don't forget that most of us are not only training, but also working during the day, so a lot of energy flows into work as well. Rest for me can mean laying in bed, but it can also be 'active rest', like going for a walk or having dinner with friends.
#beachtennislife #beachtennis #beachtennistraining #2024